Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Where I have been?

Hai assalamualaikum. Macam biasalah kan. Dah lama tak menulis dah lama tak share things. So how's life? GREAT. I'm doing great. Maybe. Or just not. I don't know. Asyik terbantut je when I wanted to write a post. So now here it goes. I have two things that I wanna share here. First thing first is about what had happened on my skin for the past six months and till now. I had very bad skin day. It was so hard for me and I could say that I was at my lowest. I was so down and afraid to meet people. Why? Because Everyone who sees me they will definitely ask why and what happened and even worse they directly said " TERUKNYA MUKA " So, what to do? If they say any other thing pun, my face was not getting better by listening to them. Pegi keje tempek bedak as if it would help to cover the breakouts. Pointless. Nampak jugak. Yang nyata is just my confident. It was built up a bit. Bolehlah kalau nak hadap org hari-hari. But when it comes nak solat dekat surau, kena cuci muka, then you know how hard it could be. People will stare at my face and kalau yang jenis diam tu takpelah. Kalau yang jenis bercakap benda2 yang menyakitkan hati? Yes. HADAP je lah. Tapi stress tu Allahurabbi. Okay mesti korang tertanya-tanya kan kenapa boleh jadi mcm ni kan. So okay kat sini I will share it. Malas dah nak jawab pertanyaan2 orang. Hahaha. 

Since secondary school, Form 3 if I'm not mistaken, my skin started to have acne. So dia attack dekat bahagian dahi SAHAJA. Time tu pun tak pernah guna any facial cleanser. Then my mak tengok and said we needed to do something. So she went and bought me Safi Aloe Vera Cleanser and Safi Aloe Vera Day Cream. By using that until I masuk university, kulit memang clear. Takde problem dengan jerawat. By day, during my 2nd semester Safi punya product dah tak lut dah dengan kulit muka ni. Jerawat mula menyerang lepas cuba itu ini. Sampai lah satu masa ni my roommate perkenalkan this one local product that she had been using and it really work on her skin. But, the product was quiet costly for me yang student ni. RM120 utk 3 barang which are the soap, the day cream and the night cream. Nak tak nak just give it a try kan. A week pakai rasa muka tegang and jerawat semua kecut. 3 bulan pakai jerawat dah segan nak naik so tinggal parut je. Kulit takpayah cakap lah dia jd makin putih. Putih dari tangan dah kenape engko ghaseeee?? Haha. So I continue lah pakai all this while sampai lah dah keje ni. Baru realized yang product tu sama je mcm product yang lain which is diorang guna krim kilo. GILA! 

Bila difikir-fikir balik, sampai bila nak continue pakai product mcm ni. Effect kat mase depan nanti mcm mana pulak kan. So I stopped. Tahun lepas bulan 3. So lepastu guna je lah product drugstore ade kawan suggest. St. Ives. So tengok mcm affordable kan, so I bought two which are the scrub and the cleanser. Gila apa. Both jenis ade beading. So bila guna, mmg sgt tak sesuai dengan my skin sbb my skin kan dah of course lah makin nipis then bila guna that thing bertambah tambah lah irritation nya kan. So I stopped. Pakailah pulak product terkemuka. MARY KAY. The botanical effect set no.3 sebab my skin is oily type. Once pakai MK, jerawat besar2 keluar. Dah taktau dari mana asal usul. Belambak weh and they said it is a normal thing sbb sblm ni kan I used the local one which may contain mercury and other harmful stuff. So bg kurangkan kemunculan jerawat2 yang hanat itu, so I went to the pharmacy and I bought Dalacin-T. Product MK tu pulak I just use the cleanser and the mask sbb maybe the moisturizer and the toner are not suitable for me. LAlhamdulillah my face is getting better. Bila dah pakai MK ni, nak beli kena order and lambat dapat masatu. So sementara nak dpt tu, I went to buy clenaser from Himalaya sbb member rumah pakai muka dia okay. It was CRAP! Keluar lagi menggila. And at that time, MK pun tak jadi apa dah. 

So I shared my problems with my sister. She suggested me to go to the clinic and meet her doctor. So I started to meet the doctor starting in July. Using the product that the doctor gave and again, it was no progress. Macam lagi beranak pinak semua. Subur. Lepastu doctor suggested me to do a peeling. So I agreed. Sekali dua buat, okay. kali ketiga and seterusnya bertambah lagi jerawat. Sampai doctor pun geleng kepala kenapa jd smpai mcm ni kan. Dua kali dia tukar ubat. so he can see the progress and dia pernah cakap my face will get cured BUT it will take time. He is true. Mmg ambik masa. I dah sampai tahap sabar yang maximum dah ni. Bukan tak cuba other thing. Ada jugak. Search kat internet itu ini. Orang pakai kunyit kat muka kita pun ikut. Tapi tak jadi jugak. So now alhamdulillah my skin is getting better. Cuma tinggal parut and jerawat naik satu dua tua kira normal lah kan. So later kalau my skin dah clearly fine, I will share pulak what helps me curing my face. Stay tuned guys! Love ya <3

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